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Anal Cancer
Anal cancer can start in any part of the anus. How serious anal cancer is depends on where it starts, how big it is, if it spreads and your general health.
Genital warts and HP
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus commonly found sexually transmitted. This virus can cause genital warts and some cancers. There are more than 100 strains
Hepatitis C Virus
Hepatitis C virus is a virus that can cause damage to liver and often lead to chronic hepatitis C which can develop into a serious disease such as cirrhosis and cancer.
Hepatitis B Virus
Hepatitis B Virus is a virus that causes damage to liver. Chronic hepatitis B can develop into a serious disease resulting cirrhosis and cancer.
Hepatitis A Virus
The infection is through contacting with stools (feces) that contain the virus, which can also be contaminated in food, water or surfaces. In general, it tends to be more severe in adolescents and adults but can be resolved without any treatment.